Weekend Update | Poor Performance

On Saturday morning I had some food that didn’t agree with me and lost a lot of exercise time. I was never able to complete the circles on that day.

Sunday was better with a long walk before church and then played some basketball with Samantha. It was a lot of fun but lead to a sore ankle and toe. Monday lead to a dr. Appt to look at toe. Seems to be more arthritis. Not very happy about that, but don’t plan to let it slow me down, I’ll just have to minimize impact on my right leg as much as possible.

Monday was better than Saturday with a 1 Mile walk with the girls and almost 9 miles on Zwift.

Yesterday was the best. I ate well and with step class managed to close all my rings and also get 14k steps. Good day!

Today is Yoga class so I will need to fit in some cardio as well. I have had overnight oats both mornings this week. Emily helped me make mine last night and she did a great job!

Fun Friday

That is what it is called at the gym. No class at our usual time, just a white board with the workout you should complete. A friend and I went down and made up our own workout instead. We ran for 20 minutes, then we did upper body for 30 minutes. I got some more running / walking in between sets just for good measure. All that walking and running lead to 12k steps on fitbit for me.

Yesterday was also the 2nd phase of the 3 phase layoffs at work. So I had to say goodbye to more friends. It was a stressful long week and I’m glad it is over. We had homemade coffee cake, fresh fruit and other yummy foods that people brought in.

The goodbye spread of food

For lunch two friends and I went to The Counter and I got a 1lb Impossible burger. I order it like that because it will come with 3 patties. 1 for that lunch and two to take home. This works out really well since you can not buy Impossible meat in stores yet, although that is supposed to happen some time this year.


I missed posting the last few days. Let me try to catch up.

On Monday I did only Yoga. It was a very big day, long with lots of meetings. I did not hit my 10k Fitbit step goal.

Tuesday, yesterday, was better. It is always easy to hit my Fitbit step goal on Tuesdays as I go to a step class. With this class I can easily hit all my goals.

Everyday I had overnight oatmeal including this morning. Monday was apples, Tuesday was peanut butter banana and today was strawberries. Tomorrow I can have a breakfast burrito as I plan on working from home.

Yesterday on the way home I finished The Circle audio book. I enjoyed it and will be posting about it soon on Jason Reads.

Busy Days!

Lots going on at work, but I was happy to still find time to get to the gym for a difficult Butts & Guts workout hour. Even though mist of my day was stuck at a desk I managed to close my rings on the apple watch with this workout.

Breakfast was guess what overnight oats with strawberries. Very filling. Lunch was delayed and I was ready for something good. I got to eat with a friend who has moved to a different department and it was great to catch up. I had a roasted veggie bowl at Sharky’s, one of my favorites and super satisfying.

Just looked at Fitbit for the first time today and I’m glad to see I’m at 8.5k. I should be able to make the final 1.5k easily today. I think I can squeeze in a short walk before it gets too dark.

Leaving the office later than usual, I was in traffic for longer which allowed me to listen to The Circle by Dave Eggers a little longer than usual. It’s getting good and I’m enjoying the story very much. I’ve already seen the movie so I am enjoying finding the differences between the movie and the book. The book holds my attention well and before I know it I’m home.

Breakfast and Today’s Workout

Breakfast today and a lot of days lately have been oatmeal. I use Coach’s Oats and usually and Chia seeds and some peanut butter. I sometimes add coconut shavings or Gigi berries. Turns out I’m not alone in thinking this is a healthy meal.

Today’s work out was thirty minutes or 10 miles in London on Zwift. That should wrap it up for London now. I took the picture below before my ride today. This menu is the only place I can find my progress in the mission. Wish it was other places.

That means I only have two worlds to worry about. Richmond and Innsbruck. I’m looking forward to knocking those out soon, but they are not offered as much as the other worlds so I think they will be the hardest for me to get done.

After Zwifting I did 30 minutes of yoga that felt great.

Eating out for Large People

In this interesting article from the New York Times, the author tells us how restaurants are changing the way they serve large customers. They are late to the game really as the ever-growing waistlines of Americans has been an issue for decades now. But it is worse than ever now.

About 40 percent of Americans over age 20 were classified as obese in a 2017 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

According to the article, there is an app available, in certain test markets, only that is like Yelp but for big people. They can describe what it is like to eat at a restaurant for other large people.

This for me is yet another way that people outside of my core group are a mystery to me. I find it difficult to understand what they are going through. Which is why I am glad that the article also mentions a book by Roxane Gay called Hunger. In which the plus size model Ms. Gay depicts what it is like to be a large person.

Another book mentioned in the article also grabbed interest. This one is by Tommy Tomlinson, a former columnist for The Charlotte Observer, The Elephant in the Room: One Fat Man’s Quest to Get Smaller in a Growing America.

Lots of great information and two books mentioned.  This is why reading the New York Times can be dangerous to my book budget.  It is one of the last great newspapers with really great writers.


I’m a fan of food, but need to watch what I eat. I’m vegetarian because of the health aspect but love the other benefits as well. So this morning I had some over night oats with strawberries and chia seeds.

It was similar to the above but this picture is from last week when I did bananas and peanut butter. Also very yummy.

I had time to leave campus today and went to Ruby’s diner where they have the impossible burger for one of the lowest prices. This meal that comes with fries is only $15.07 with tax. It hit the spot!