The BBC 100

I’m re-creating the BBC 100 list here so I can keep track of my progress easier.  I’ll put a line through those I have read along with the date I completed them.  I know others said this list is BS, but I still need to finish it.

Progress  = 48%

  1. Harry Potter (all the books) – January 2012
  2. The Da Vinci Code – January 26, 2013
  3. To Kill a Mocking Bird – September 2002
  4. The Little Prince – August 5, 2014
  5. Animal Farm – June 17, 2010
  6. 1984 – September 2002
  7. Lord of the Rings (all the books)
  8. The Alchemist – January 26, 2016
  9. The Count of Monte Cristo
  10. Catch-22
  11. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – September 21, 2010
  12. Wuthering Heights – March 13, 2016
  13. Life of Pi
  14. The Hobbit – March 15, 2011
  15. Lord of the Flies – January 1996
  16. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass – May 2008
  17. A Tale of Two Cities
  18. Pride and Prejudice – October 10, 2014
  19. Charlotte’s Web – December 5, 2012
  20. Jane Eyre – January, 2003
  21. The Secret Garden – February 18, 2016
  22. The Catcher in the Rye
  23. Little Women
  24. Rebecca
  25. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – August 29, 2011
  26. Atonement – August, 2014
  27. The Chronicles of Narnia (all the books) – March 20, 2015
  28. Gone with the Wind
  29. Memoirs of a Geisha – January 12, 2012
  30. A Christmas Carol – August 14, 2014
  31. Dracula – October 3, 2015
  32. Love in the Time of Cholera
  33. The Holy Bible: King James Version – November 13, 2012
  34. The Time Traveler’s Wife – October 28, 2010
  35. The Grapes of Wrath – January, 1998
  36. The Great Gatsby – November 1997
  37. 100 Years of Solitude – June 3, 2012
  38. Brave New World – January 1998
  39. Midnight’s Children
  40. Sense and Sensibility – August 6, 2914
  41. The Kite Runner
  42. Of Mice and Men – August 23, 2010
  43. The Lovely Bones
  44. The Three Musketeers
  45. The Shadow of the Wind
  46. Crime and Punishment
  47. Bridget Jones’s Diary
  48. Heart of Darkness – August 20, 2014
  49. Great Expectations – March 26, 2013
  50. His Dark Materials (all the books)
  51. Winnie-the-Pooh – September 3, 2014
  52. Anne of Green Gables (all the books)
  53. Anna Karenina
  54. Persuasion – September 6, 2014
  55. The Five People You Meet in Heaven – January, 1998
  56. A Prayer for Owen Meany – June 2012
  57. Vanity Fair
  58. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time – November 2, 2014
  59. Shakespeare: The Complete Works
  60. A Clockwork Orange
  61. Les Misérables – June 24, 2014
  62. Oliver Twist
  63. A Fine Balance
  64. David Copperfield
  65. War and Peace
  66. Lolita – November 1, 2011
  67. The Wind and the Willows – April 4, 2011
  68. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – January 20, 2010
  69. On the Road – July 13, 2016
  70. Moby Dick
  71. The Color Purple – March 1, 2016
  72. Emma
  73. Far From the Madding Crowd
  74. The Handmaid’s Tale – June 9, 2011
  75. A Town Like Alice
  76. Tess of the D’Urbervilles
  77. Cloud Atlas
  78. The Faraway Tree Collection
  79. Birdsong
  80. Middlemarch – January, 2009
  81. Bleak House
  82. Brideshead Revisited
  83. The Bell Jar
  84. Possession
  85. Corelli’s Mandolin
  86. The Remains of the Day – February 15, 2016
  87. Madame Bovary
  88. The Woman in White
  89. Dune
  90. Cold Comfort Farm – February 8, 2016
  91. Watership Down
  92. A Suitable Boy
  93. The Secret History – January 13, 2016
  94. Jude the Obscure – January 22, 2016
  95. Notes from a Small Island – April 2, 2016
  96. Ulysses
  97. Swallows and Amazons
  98. Germinal
  99. The Wasp Factory
  100. A Confederacy of Dunces