How to get Started in Cybersecurity / Information Security

These two terms are used interchangeably from most of what I see out there, thats why I’ve put them together like this in the title. I know people have strong feelings about this, but the reason I do this is to make sure every who is looking for this information can find it easily.

For those who follow this blog you will notice that I usually post all articles / white papers in my weekly wrap-up post. I’m posting this separately because I think it deserves its own post. This is a very comprehensive article by Byte Breach. I encourage anyone interested to read and work through this article. Good luck all!

Book Review: The Art of Invisibility

The Art of Invisibility: The World's Most Famous Hacker Teaches You How to Be Safe in the Age of Big Brother and Big Data by Kevin D. Mitnick

The Art of Invisibility: The World’s Most Famous Hacker Teaches You How to Be Safe in the Age of Big Brother and Big Data by Kevin D. Mitnick

The Book in 3 Sentences

  1. Kevin Mitnick is a famous hacker, who teaches you how to reduce your attack surface in this book.
  2. Any privacy you think you have is false.
  3. While some of this information is dated, the book was published in 2017, it still has a lot of useful information.


While I knew most of what was covered in this book, I did still find the content interesting. The little stories that Mitnick shares throughout the book were very interesting. Also, the length that one has to go to remain anonymous in our digital world, even back in 2017 is pretty crazy. I don’t believe that many American’s understand the amount of their privacy they are giving up by maintaining their current lifestyle, including participating in social media and using technology. Mostly, we have given up data about us, what we do online, by using tools like google, gmail, cellular phones, etc.

Who Should Read It?

While I think that this book is overkill for most, as most people don’t think that what they are doing is giving up their data. They believe as Mitnick points out that no one cares about what they are doing because they are just one of the 8 billion people on the planet. Hacker’s are going to over after the low-hanging fruit. They will not only attack large companies, data shows that they are attacking SMBs and individuals. Everyone should be aware, but this book is going to scare people and I believe that most people don’t have the skill set to execute Mitnick’s advise, even the minor things.

How the Book Changed Me

  • It made me more aware of existing privacy concerns.
  • I plan to implement some of the suggestions that Mitnick discusses to protect myself and my family.

Weekly Cybersecurity Wrapup – 4/9/23

In these post I cover what I did towards my ongoing education around cybersecurity. the projects I did, classes I took, webinars, articles and podcasts, I consumed. I hope you find it useful!


  • Information Session for Cybersecurity Master’s program at SANS Technology Institute




White Papers

SANS – New to Cyber Field Manual

Proofpoint – The 10 Biggest and Boldest Insider Threat Incidents

Proofpoint – The Data Breach is Coming from Inside the House

Weekly Cybersecurity Wrapup – 4/3/23

Even though this week was a vacation week for my family and I, I couldn’t stay away from these fascinating articles…


No webinars this week, vacation!



  • Security Now # 915 – Flying Trojan Horses: Exynos 0-days, TikTok Tick Tock, 90-day TLS cert life, CHESS is safe


TryHackMe – Still working on SOC Analyst, I’m learning YARA this week.

Weekly Cybersecurity Wrapup – 3/27/23

My weekly run down of what I read, watched and did this week as it pertains to learning cybersecurity and getting into the field.




  • None. I know this is so sad. Very busy this week and had no time to listen to any awesome podcast 🙁


Splunk Certified Core User – Visualizations class completed.

LinkedIn Learning: Landing Your First Cybersecurity Job

LinkedIn Learning: The Cybersecurity Threat Landscape

TryHackMe – I completed Intro to Cyber Threat Intel and Threat Intelligence Tools rooms as part of the SOC Level 1 learning path.

Weekly Cybersecurity Wrapup – 3/20/23





TryHackMe – Working through SOC Analyst Level 1. I’m in Cyber Threat Intelligence.

White Papers

Proofpoint – 2022 The Cost of Insider Threats Global Report

Proofpoint – 2023 State of the Phish

Weekly Cybersecurity Wrapup – 3/12/23



