The first one was better. Could I end my review there? Maybe. But I won’t. I really love the image of this guy above, this is sometimes how I see Bryson in his traveling books. Bryson is a local guy, an American, but he moved to England for some time and has written about different locales all over the world, my favorite still being A Walk in the Woods.
To me, The Road to Little Dribbling, sounds like it could be a book about a baby that drools. I’ve never understood why the names are themselves funny in England, I guess we have a lot of those in America too though.
Bryson is a funny and engaging travel writer and I have read many of his books. There hasn’t been one that I disliked. All of them have been entertaining enough. This is the only book that I know if that is a sequel to one of his other books, Notes from a Small Island. I gave both of these books 3/5 star rating. Not great, but in no way bad. Still entertaining and I will keep them and re-read them at some point in the future as well.
The only reason they got a low’ish’ rating is that there are a lot of inside jokes that only Englishmen will get. Not being one a lot of references to people and places went over my head. Maybe this is why I liked A Walk in the Woods so much. Since that book takes place in the Application Mountains it’s a little closer to this California boy than England is.