Breakfast and Today’s Workout

Breakfast today and a lot of days lately have been oatmeal. I use Coach’s Oats and usually and Chia seeds and some peanut butter. I sometimes add coconut shavings or Gigi berries. Turns out I’m not alone in thinking this is a healthy meal.

Today’s work out was thirty minutes or 10 miles in London on Zwift. That should wrap it up for London now. I took the picture below before my ride today. This menu is the only place I can find my progress in the mission. Wish it was other places.

That means I only have two worlds to worry about. Richmond and Innsbruck. I’m looking forward to knocking those out soon, but they are not offered as much as the other worlds so I think they will be the hardest for me to get done.

After Zwifting I did 30 minutes of yoga that felt great.

Jaybird Ride the Worlds

I’m very excited that I finished my 15 miles Watopia last night. That’s two worlds down. I’ve got New York done too. Next up I think is London on Wednesday and Thursday this week. I’m definitely doing tomorrow in London but not today as I have Step today which is enough for my legs in one day. I’m not even sure these headphones are that great, but the competition has done its job and gotten me excited about riding and knocking out these 15 miles per world.