Book Review | Supergirl, Vol. 1: Last Daughter of Krypton


Another comic and another failed review.  I wrote only two sentences to describe my review of Supergirl, Vol. 1: Last Daughter of Krypton on goodreads.  Thirteen whole words.  I don’t have much to go on with this one.  I really need to catch up with my reviews and write them as soon as I finish the book or in this case the comic book.  I think the goal should be to write the review while I still have to book in hand.  Here I am writing about a book I finished months ago when I really need to be writing about the book I just finished this week.

What I do remember about this comic is that the artwork was good but not as good as Captain Marvel I had read just before.  I also know that I grabbed this from the library and it really confuses me why they would buy only one volume and then never buy the next?  Was it a request from a patron and then never followed up with a request for the next in the series?  I liked this Supergirl comic and would like to read more.

I’d like to read more comics of lots of different kinds, but my libraries really don’t invest much in them.  They do however have a subscription to Hoopla which recently acquired the rights to “lend” Marvel comics.  That’s very cool, that means they will have the Star Wars comics on there.  It’s been so long since I read one I don’t remember where I was in all the different series.  I will have to find out though!

5/5 Stars!