Book Review | The Son of Neptune

The Son of Neptune
The Son of Neptune

Yes, I’m a fan of Rick Riordan.  Yes, I love YA novels and The Son of Neptune is no different.  They are entertaining and I like to read them.  Reading my short Goodreads review of this book reminds me of how much I love these novels.  Lots of times I will listen to them on audio.  They are fantastic and I love to be reminded of how much I enjoy them and that I need to get back to reading the series again.  I believe this is as far as I am in this series.  One book a year from the series is I guess what I average.

The last four chapters of this book are riveting and some truly great action-adventure writing.  I still don’t know if this series is as strong as the first, but it is very good reading!

Book Review: The Lost Hero

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The Lost Hero is the first book in a series from Rick Riordan.  It is a spin-off series from the original Percy Jackson and The Olympian series.  There are 5 books in the series.  This book reads very much like the books in the Percy Jackson series and for me, this is a very good thing.  I liked that series a lot.  A lot of action all the time and it is funny as well.  This book was a great introduction to a new series.  We meet all new heroes but still get to check-in with some of our favorites from the Percy Jackson series.  Riordan makes some great calls in writing this new series.  I’m hooked.