This is one of those new adult coloring books that are very popular right now. I received Splendid Cities by Rosie Goodwin and Alice Chadwick. My oldest daughter and I have been coloring a page together. I took the right side and my daughter, 7 years-old, too the left side.

We had a great time coloring. We only ran into one problem. The center of the book, at the spine is hard to color, but I think this would be the same problem with any of these new coloring books.

Lost Ocean by Johanna Basford is another one of these type of books. I hope to get this one next, however, I’m not sure I’ll be doing that for a long time as Splendid Cities is a very large book and the coloring takes a long time because of all the detail. It is calming. I remember looking for adult coloring books long before this recent trend, say 8 years ago. There really wasn’t anything on the market at that time. I’m glad we have books like these now as it gives me something more challenging to color and I get to enjoy it with my daughter.

I’m not going to count this towards my 100 books read goal for the year, it is not reading after all.