I want to read more. When I get in this mood and I’m totally pumped to get reading more. You would think that I read right? Well, sometimes you can’t. If the kids are all over the place I can’t read, I have to stop every few seconds to do something. Not that I mind. I love my kids, but it is not the best way to get through a book. So sometimes, when I’m psyched to read, but I can’t actually read, I spend time on Goodreads. It is the facebook of reading. The social site for readers.
I have been on there more frequently in the past few days, and I take a look at the number of books read and the number of books I want to read. This is scary. I’m upside down on my numbers. While it is encouraging to know I have no lack of books that I want to read, I would really like my read number to be higher than my to-read number. As things stand now I’m at 717 to-read and 595 read.
This is after a few hours of purging already. I didn’t write anything down, but my to-read number before the purge started was around 760 or 770. That means I purged around 23% of the books on my to-read pile already. What did I drop from the to-read shelf?
My first stop was finding duplicates. I didn’t know that Goodreads had this tool, but it was there when I went looking for it, so no idea how long it has been there, but it made dropping the duplicate books very easy. I had about 25 duplicate books.
Then I started to go through my to-read list book by book. This is the super frustrating part. As I look through the list I keep seeing books I don’t remember adding. Why did I add this? I click on the book to look at the detail page. No friends have read this and like an idiot, I didn’t put anything in the recommended by field. SO frustrating. The next step is the read the synopsis and figure out if I still want to read this book, if not it’s gone.
This is how I’m purging or if you like “pruning” my Goodreads to-read list. I’m about halfway through my shelf now. I’m hoping to get that 717 number down to something that is more manageable. On the bright side, I’m spending so much time on Goodreads that I found this beauty of a 404 page: