Book Review | The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything

Speed of Trust
Speed of Trust

For managers at my company, there is a one-day class that is a requirement for any people leaders. If you have direct reports you have to take this class. The class is based on The Speed of Trust by Stephen Covey.

Last year I knew I would have to take this course and I was looking forward to it as I have read some of the other Covey books. This book is written by Stephen Covey Jr. His father is the one who wrote the 7 Effective Habit book that is huge and most everyone knows or has already read.

Before taking the class I bought the book and read the thing from cover to cover. A few months later I got to take the course and among the other goodies that come with the course package (flash cards, a workbook, etc.) we recieved a copy of the book. This was a welcome surprise since the copy I had previsouly obtained was digital. Now I had a physical copy and would keep this in my library as I think it will be great for my children to read when they are old enough.

This book is filled with gems. Everything he says is pretty much common sense the thing is we usually don’t sit around thinking about trust and how good trust works well for us, and all the ways we can damage a relationship be not having trust or not trying to building. Covey also discusses how to re-build trtust with someone you may have lost it with.

If you are a working professional or in a relationship I think you can find something to take from this book. I got a lot out of it. I rated this book 4 out of 5 stars.