Star Wars: Chewbacca

Star Wars Chewbacca
Star Wars Chewbacca by Gerry Duggan

Star Wars: Chewbacca is one of the most recent comic book complications in the new Star Wars Cannon.  I had to wait a long time for this one to come in from our library.

The story starts with Chewbacca stranded on a strange planet after crash landing.  Soon trouble finds him in the form of a tween girl.  She needs his help and lovable caring Chewbacca is there for her after his usual complaints that no one can understand.

The story follows the battle against the bad local bad guys and eventually Chewbacca and his new little pal have to part ways.  Chewbacca proceeds to his original destination Kashyyyk, his home planet, where he is able to finally deliver a box.  We are never told what is the box, but I got the feeling it was the remains of a fallen comrade.

Review: Smuggler’s Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure

Smuggler's Run
Smuggler’s Run by Greg Rucka

I just realized that I have read three of Greg Rucka’s books this year.  I just finished Smuggler’s Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure and I he also wrote Shattered Empire and Before the Awakening.  I gave both those books 4 out of 5 stars and I still remember really liking both a lot.  But this book fell short of both of those. Smuggler’s Run: A Han Solo Adventure was okay, but not as engrossing as either of the other two I read this year.

It is a very quick story. Han meets some bounty hunters in a bar and tells them a story of a time he escaped from the Imperials. It was a quick story. It lacked excitement and needed more suspense and thrill. But it is Star Wars so it still gets 3 stars. Not sure how this helped lead to the Force Awakens storyline though.