Book Review: The Pearl

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In 1947 the Salinas Valley native, John Steinbeck wrote The Pearl.  This short (97 page) story is written in a time far ago in a little village.  Some young people file a very fine pearl and it changes their lives.  On the whole, I found the prose wonderfully written.  That is after all that I have come to expect from this epic writer.  Reviewing this is hard since I like the writing but the story was so sad, it would not be a book that I would want to read again.  Since I had recently read The Red Pony which had some sad stories in it too, maybe that is a good comparison.  I think I liked the Red Pony overall better.  Maybe because it was longer, maybe because it wasn’t as sad.  Either way, this book is worth a read if you haven’t read it before.  But “mentally prepare” yourself.