Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol. 2: Shadows and Secrets
As I catch up on my reviews, I find myself struggling to remember some books. There is one, however, stands out for the secondary character. I liked this new Aphra character. The storyline in Shadows and Secrets was really good, it wasn’t just great art, it had a very interesting storyline that kept me engaged the whole time. This Star Wars series is definitely worth your time. I believe this new character is even getting her own comic books now. I can’t wait to read more of these.
Writing this post now reminds me of how much I misreading these Star Wars comics. I wish there was one site that had all these in an order that was easy to understand and read. If anyone knows of any please let me know in the comments.
When I first heard that new Star Wars comics were going to come out I was very excited and I told myself I will buy all of these and I can’t wait to read them all. Thing is I didn’t realize all of them were coming out at the same time and that comic books now cost $3.99 each! With them all coming out at the same time it is hard to keep up with all of them. Plus 5 of these things would be $20! It is also hard to keep up with all the different ones that are coming out. I think there are a dozen different comics series right now for Star Wars. There is Shattered Empire, Princess Leia, Star Wars, Lando, Chewbacca, etc.
Star Wars: Princess Leia by Mark Waid, contains the first 5 comics from the Princess Leia series. The story was okay, it did give up some details about what happened before the Force Awakens, but really it wasn’t enough. The story was not as well written as Shattered Empire. The art was nowhere near as good as Shattered Empire either. This graphic novel was a fun distraction, but I don’t think it’s going to get non-graphic novel readers to read comic and it’s not going to draw in people who are not already fans of Star Wars. I would say if you are trying to keep up with everything in the Star Wars universe that this is one that you can safely skip. Maybe the next collection of Princess Leia comics will be better.
UPDATE: I didn’t think I would finish this book so soon. I forgot how quickly graphic novels are read. I loved the art in this book and the story was better than most of the Wonder Woman graphic novels I have read. I would recommend this for Wonder Woman fans. It is a strong 3 star read.
I started Wonder Woman: The Circle by Gail Simone last night. I originally got this after finding out that one of my local libraries has a very large collection of comic books, or graphic novels. Will someone tell me what the difference between a comic book and a graphic novel is please. I’ve always used comic book when talking about just one individual copy and graphic novel when referring to something like this book which is a collection of issues combined into one book. Someone please set me straight in the comments.
Anywho, the library, Yorba Linda Library, had this and I’ve always been into Wonder Woman, I mean she’s hot right? Last year I read The Secret History of Wonder Woman by by Jill Lepore, which was a little slow, but a great foundation to really understand the origins of Wonder Woman and those who created her. I was never into the early comics and I think I would have found them disappointing as Gail Simone points out in the introduction of this book.
It’s around $19 on Amazon so this goes into 2016 savings bucket! I saved $19 already this year on books because I got this from the library. Last year I saved over $800 on books because I borrowed them from the library. I really need to do a post on that as well.
I borrowed this in part because I’ve been slowly getting more interested in comic books in the last few years. I have been attending comic-con regularly with my dad (it’s kind of a tradition with us, and no we don’t dress up). Also, with the new Star Wars movie out, I know that a lot of what happens between episode 6 and 7 is being covered in the comic books and regular novels. I want to know everything so I’ve put somethings on hold and I also have plans to check out the local comic book stores soon.
There are a lot of Wonder Woman comics out there and I find it confusing to figure out where this one lies in the Wonder Woman timeline. I looked on wikipedia and I’m having trouble finding something that lays it all out on a timeline like the Star Wars novels are laid out on Wookiepedia.
I picked this up to read over the winter break, I took vacation from work, and I haven’t gotten to it until now because I was reading Shade Me.